Memory and (re)existence: the intercultural path of the program Indigenous Knowledge at School
Indigenous Knowledge at School, indigenous education, indigenous school, (re)existence, interculturalityAbstract
The program Indigenous Knowledge at School has produced important movements in the quest for a dreamed indigenous school. The present text features a narrative on the intensity, the contradictions, joys, and pains of the relationship between the university and the Kaingang and Guarani communities who participate in this program. The reflections − by a Kaingang teacher and two non-indigenous teachers who coordinate the program at the University − are also present in the experiences reported here, as those teacher’s contributions to understand the meanings of interculturality in the dialogues, in the everyday work at the indigenous schools, communities, and university. The debate on such themes as the affirmation, recognition, and revival of indigenous languages; the elaboration of teaching materials; reflections on the indigenous school; and the organization of struggles built during the program reverberates in the learnings here narrated, such as memory and the (re)existence of an intercultural path.
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