A circulação da família guarani Sarate de Brum – o guatá entre Kajekue e a Colonia Fortuna’i, Paraguai, e Porto Lindo, Brasil





Guarani territoriality, Guarani spatial mobility, Ava Guarani


It is common knowledge that the vast literature on the Guarani peoples considers the issue of guata – Guarani spatial mobility – as a recurrent theme. This work sought to describe and analyze how guata (walking, wandering) is performed among the Guarani in the communities Colonia Fortuna’i (Paraguay) and Porto Lindo (Brazil), mainly based on reports from the people in my family. With this research, we also endeavored to understand what are the impacts of this wandering on those people who move, in terms of documentation, ethnic denomination, language, local political organization, ritual practices, family arrangements, access to public policies and social programs, etc. Through this work, I managed to describe the villages in which the Guarani people of my family circulate: where they are, how they are organize, what relationships they maintain with the karai (non-indigenous) institutions. In addition to reading on the subject, I talked with my relatives, mainly my father, grandfather, and mother, and also examined my own memories and experiences. I consider it very important to have carried out the research because I was able to organize the history of my family’s journey.

Author Biography

Onésimo Sarate de Brum, Prefeitura municipal de Japorã, Japorâ, Mato Grosso do sul, Brasil

Graduado pela Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), Faculdade Intercultural Indígena, na Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena Teko Arandu, turma de 2017, área de Ciências Humanas.


AZEVEDO, Marta; BRAND, Antonio; HECK, Egon; PEREIRA, Levi Marques; MELIÀ, Bartomeu. Caderno Guarani Retã: povos Guarani na Fronteira Argentina, Brasil e Paraguai. Asunción: Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), 2008.

COLMAN, Rosa Sebastiana. Guarani Retã e mobilidade mspacial guarani: belas caminhadas e processos de expulsão no território guarani. 2015. 212 p. Tese (Doutorado em Demografia) - Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, 2015.



How to Cite

Brum, O. S. de. (2023). A circulação da família guarani Sarate de Brum – o guatá entre Kajekue e a Colonia Fortuna’i, Paraguai, e Porto Lindo, Brasil. Tellus, 23(51), 279–298. https://doi.org/10.20435/tellus.v23i51.940



Escritos Indígenas