Opening the Black Box of Structural Racism. Expressions of racism and anti-racism at the University of Antioquia (Medellín-Colombia)




black box, structural racism, racism, anti-racism


This research sought to reveal expressions of racism that people consciously or unconsciously use or recognize in the university environment; on one side; and on the other, by confronting people with that question about racism, to dislodge and look for reactions and mechanisms for its eradication. Another objective, since it was a formative research, was to bring students closer to some relevant concepts and positions on the topic of racism and racism in higher education. The research strategy was part of the Third Campaign of Initiatives for the Eradication of Racism in Higher Education towards indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, of the UNESCO-UNTREF Chair in 2022, presented by the Research Group of the African People of One GUIAGU-BANTÚ, attached to the Faculty of Education of the University of Antioquia (Medellín-Colombia). As a qualitative methodology, an innovative strategy was used, called “Black Box”, which, as a viewing lens, allows us to reveal the conceptions that are stored in the mental structure, representations and imaginaries built in social coexistence and in the educational system. The information was collected by placing the black box in three different points within the university campus. The investigative and pedagogical strategy that made the participants reflect allowed us to collect 90 expressions of both racism and useful proposals for its eradication. Of the 90, 86 were useful for the research objective, since the other four (4) were illegible or had nothing to do with the topic. Of the 86, 48 were expressions of racism, organized into ten (10) categories: Stigmatization due to talents, Body stereotypes, Bad luck or negativity, Job performance, Economic disability, Sexualization of the Afro/black body, Colorism or pigmentocracy, Revictimization, Discrimination territorial and false compliments. 38 expressions are collected as anti racist proposals, which are organized into five (5) categories: Curriculum renewal-awareness about the effects of racism; Specific investigations on racism; Deconstruction of stereotypes and linguistic anti-racism; Anti-racist ethnic self-management-pedagogical actions and social reparation. Although it was a formative, experimental research, the results are conclusive regarding the persistence of racism and offer alternatives for the construction of public actions and policies for the urgent eradication of this.

Author Biographies

Ángela Emilia Mena Lozano , Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colômbia.

Estudios de doctorado en Educación en la Universidad de Antioquia. Magister en Educación en el área de Docencia e Investigación en la Universidad Santander de México. Especialista en planeación, administración y evaluación de proyectos sociales y educativos en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN). Licenciada en Psicopedagogía y Administración educativa en la Universidad Diego Luis Córdoba – Quibdó, Chocó. Profesora y Coordinadora de Estudios de las Africanías en la Universidad de Antioquia. Coordinadora Grupo de Investigación GIAGU-BANTÚ.

Ana Rosa Herrera Campillo , Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colômbia.

Magister en Comunicación y Cultura en Pontifical Xavierian University. Licenciada en Ciencias Sociales en Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Bogota. Especialización en Computación para la Docencia en Universidad Antonio Nariño. Investigadora independiente, Grupo de investigación GIAGU-BANTÚ, Universidad de Antioquia.

Isabel Romaña, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colômbia.

Universidad de Antioquia – Investigadora – Grupo   de investigación GIAGU-BANTÚ.

Lorenzo Vargas Tello , Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colômbia.

Universidad de Antioquia - Estudiante de economía- Grupo de investigación GIAGU-BANTÚ.


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ÁNGELA Mena, Docente investigadora. Abriendo la caja negra del racismo estructural. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2022. 1 vídeo (4 min 7 seg). Publicado pelo canal Facultad de Educación - Universidad de Antioquia. Disponible en: HjHjsAAYN-ojXhf&index=34. Acceso el: 3 enero 2023.

CÁTEDRA Jesús Alberto Echeverry. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2024. 1 vídeo (1 hr 31 min 59 seg). Publicado pelo canal Facultad de Educación - Universidad de Antioquia. Disponible en: jHjsAAYN-ojXhf&index=33. Acceso el: 3 enero 2023.

DIANA Loaiza, estudiante Facultad de Educación. Abriendo la caja negra del racismo estructural. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2022. 1 vídeo (1 min 25 seg). Publicado pelo canal Facultad de Educación - Universidad de Antioquia. Disponible en: jHjsAAYN-ojXhf&index=35. Acceso el: 3 enero 2023.

ISABEL Cristina Romaña, permanencia UdeA. Abriendo la caja negra del racismo estructural. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2022. 1 vídeo (5 min 30 seg). Publicado pelo canal Facultad de Educación - Universidad de Antioquia. Disponible en: HjHjsAAYN-ojXhf&index=36. Acceso el: 3 enero 2023.

LORENZO Vargas, estudiante e investigador UdeA. Abriendo la caja negra del racismo estructural. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2022. 1 vídeo (3 min 23 seg). Publicado pelo canal Facultad de Educación - Universidad de Antioquia. Disponible en: HjsAAYN-ojXhf&index=37. Acceso el: 3 enero 2023.

LUZ Angélica Abadía, estudiante UdeA. Abriendo la caja negra del racismo estructural. Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia, 2022. 1 vídeo (2 min 46 seg). Publicado pelo canal Facultad de Educación - Universidad de Antioquia. Disponible en: HjsAAYN-ojXhf&index=38. Acceso el: 3 enero 2023.



How to Cite

Lozano , Ángela E. M., Campillo , A. R. H., Romaña, I., & Tello , L. V. . (2024). Opening the Black Box of Structural Racism. Expressions of racism and anti-racism at the University of Antioquia (Medellín-Colombia). Tellus, 24(52), 175–204.



Dossiê: Campanhas pela Erradicação do Racismo na Educação Superior na América Latina (Cátedra UNESCO-UNTREF): relatos e experiências indígenas e afrodescendentes (Período 2020-2022)